Without Works
Taking Fundamentalism to Church

Vade Retro

We rebuke you in the name of Jesus

Show Notes

Lemuel: I am Lemuel Gonzalez, repentant sinner, and along with Amity Armstrong, your heavenly host, I invite you to find a place in the pew for today’s painless Sunday School lesson. Without Works.

Amity: Today we look into the murder of Sonya Massey. In my telling of the events, I will be quoting directly, and so will be using profanity. In her final words she used an ancient spiritual invocation against evil. Why? 

To start with, this is what happened. Sonya Massey was a 36 year old black woman, a resident of Springfield, Illinois. She was murdered in her own kitchen by Illinois State Police Officer Sean Grayson. Officer Grayson was earlier admonished by superior officers for abuse of his authority, for harassment, and falsifying reports. He served six different police departments in four years, moving from place to place when his exploitation of power was discovered. 

Ms. Massey called the police to investigate a prowler. When Grayson and his partner arrived, Ms. Massey was herself investigated. She was almost immediately requested to show her Identification. Officer Grayson directed Ms. Massey to remove a pot of water that was boiling on her stove. As she was removing the pot she said, presumably to Officer Grayson, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” Officer Grayson responded by immediately drawing his gun, shouting, “You better fing not. I’ll fing shoot you in the f***ing face!” As Ms.  Massey apologized and ducked for cover with her empty hands over her head, and Office Grayson made good on his promise and shot her in the face. Three times. 

Lemuel: Ms. Massey’s final words included the invocation, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” This is a version of Jesus’ rebuke of Saint Peter, who attempted to dissuade Jesus from accomplishing his mission. Jesus tells him, “Get thee behind me Satan,” or, in less formal language, step aside. The invocation is repeated in medieval manuscripts: “Vade Retro Satan…”

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https://www.christiancentury.org/news/sonya-massey-said-i-rebuke-you-name-jesus-what-s-significance https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/06/us/sean-grayson-field-report-massey-shooting/index.html https://www.christianitytoday.com/2024/08/rebuke-evil-in-name-of-jesus-sonya-massey/#:~:text=1:3;%20Ps.,presence%20of%20a%20holy%20God

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