Without Works
Taking Fundamentalism to Church
5 years ago

The Rapture and/or The Second Coming

Like a thief in the night

Episode Notes

The subject of the second coming, and the rapture, if they are different things, are argued about in evangelical churches. The basic concept is the same: as promised, Jesus Christ will return to the earth and sweep up all of his loyal followers who will rush up to meet him in the sky. Christ will then abandon the earth and a period of evil and tribulation will follow. Demons, monsters, and the antichrist will follow, until God rectifies everything by purging and destroying the world.

The problem is that nearly all of this is not actually in the Bible, and most of it is a modern construct.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZWp2Ow2Zgs&list=WL&index=19&t=0s https://www.issuesetcarchive.org/articles/aissar47.htm

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